H                                                                                                                                                    1




Short Title:      Prof. Teachers & Admins. Accountability Act.



Representative W. Richardson.

For a complete list of sponsors, refer to the North Carolina General Assembly web site.

Referred to:


April 26, 2017



The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:



SECTION 1.(a)  The following monthly teacher salary schedules shall apply for the 2017‑2020 fiscal years to licensed personnel of the public schools who are classified as teachers. The salary schedules are based on years of teaching experience.

2017‑2018 Teacher Monthly Salary Schedule

Years of Experience                                                              "A" Teachers

0                                                                                         $4,046

1                                                                                         $4,133

2                                                                                         $4,162

3                                                                                         $4,191

4                                                                                         $4,248

5                                                                                         $4,306

6                                                                                         $4,393

7                                                                                         $4,451

8                                                                                         $4,508

9                                                                                         $4,566

10                                                                                       $4,653

11                                                                                       $4,740

12                                                                                       $4,826

13                                                                                       $4,913

14                                                                                       $5,000

15‑19                                                                                 $5,231

20‑24                                                                                 $5,549

25+                                                                                    $5,896

2018‑2019 Teacher Monthly Salary Schedule

Years of Experience                                                              "A" Teachers

0                                                                                         $4,592

1                                                                                         $4,690

2                                                                                         $4,723

3                                                                                         $4,756

4                                                                                         $4,822

5                                                                                         $4,887

6                                                                                         $4,986

7                                                                                         $5,051

8                                                                                         $5,117

9                                                                                         $5,182

10                                                                                       $5,281

11                                                                                       $5,379

12                                                                                       $5,478

13                                                                                       $5,576

14                                                                                       $5,674

15‑19                                                                                 $5,937

20‑24                                                                                 $6,298

25+                                                                                    $6,691

2019‑2020 Teacher Monthly Salary Schedule

Years of Experience                                                              "A" Teachers

0                                                                                         $5,138

1                                                                                         $5,248

2                                                                                         $5,285

3                                                                                         $5,322

4                                                                                         $5,395

5                                                                                         $5,469

6                                                                                         $5,579

7                                                                                         $5,652

8                                                                                         $5,726

9                                                                                         $5,799

10                                                                                       $5,909

11                                                                                       $6,019

12                                                                                       $6,129

13                                                                                       $6,239

14                                                                                       $6,350

15‑19                                                                                 $6,643

20‑24                                                                                 $7,047

25+                                                                                    $7,487.

SECTION 1.(b)  Salary Supplements for Teachers Paid on These Salary Schedules. –

(1)        Licensed teachers who have NBPTS certification shall receive a salary supplement each month of twelve percent (12%) of their monthly salary on the "A" salary schedule.

(2)        Licensed teachers who are classified as "M" teachers shall receive a salary supplement each month of ten percent (10%) of their monthly salary on the "A" salary schedule.

(3)        Licensed teachers with licensure based on academic preparation at the six‑year degree level shall receive a salary supplement of one hundred twenty‑six dollars ($126.00) per month in addition to the supplement provided to them as "M" teachers.

(4)        Licensed teachers with licensure based on academic preparation at the doctoral degree level shall receive a salary supplement of two hundred fifty‑three dollars ($253.00) per month in addition to the supplement provided to them as "M" teachers.

(5)        Certified school nurses shall receive a salary supplement each month of ten percent (10%) of their monthly salary on the "A" salary schedule.

SECTION 1.(c)  The first step of the salary schedules for (i) school psychologists, (ii) school speech pathologists who are licensed as speech pathologists at the master's degree level or higher, and (iii) school audiologists who are licensed as audiologists at the master's degree level or higher shall be equivalent to the sixth step of the "A" salary schedule. These employees shall receive a salary supplement each month of ten percent (10%) of their monthly salary and are eligible to receive salary supplements equivalent to those of teachers for academic preparation at the six‑year degree level or the doctoral degree level.

SECTION 1.(d)  The twenty‑sixth step of the salary schedules for (i) school psychologists, (ii) school speech pathologists who are licensed as speech pathologists at the master's degree level or higher, and (iii) school audiologists who are licensed as audiologists at the master's degree level or higher shall be seven and one‑half percent (7.5%) higher than the salary received by these same employees on the twenty‑fifth step of the salary schedule.

SECTION 1.(e)  Beginning with the 2014‑2015 fiscal year, in lieu of providing annual longevity payments to teachers paid on the teacher salary schedule, the amounts of those longevity payments are included in the monthly amounts under the teacher salary schedule.

SECTION 1.(f)  Annual longevity payments for teachers shall be at the rate of one and one‑half percent (1.5%) of base salary for 10 to 14 years of State service, two and twenty‑five hundredths percent (2.25%) of base salary for 15 to 19 years of State service, three and twenty‑five hundredths percent (3.25%) of base salary for 20 to 24 years of State service, and four and one‑half percent (4.5%) of base salary for 25 or more years of State service. The longevity payment shall be paid in a lump sum once a year.

SECTION 1.(g)  As used in this section, the term "teacher" shall also include instructional support personnel.

SECTION 1.(h)  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction the sum of nine hundred million seven hundred twenty‑three thousand five hundred fifty‑eight dollars ($900,723,558) in recurring funds for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year, one billion seven hundred fourteen million one hundred fifty‑six thousand six hundred eighty‑nine dollars ($1,714,156,689) in recurring funds for the 2018‑2019 fiscal year, and two billion five hundred thirty‑six million thirty‑five thousand six hundred sixty‑four dollars ($2,536,035,664) in recurring funds for the 2019‑2020 fiscal year to implement the provisions of this section.

SECTION 1.(i)  This section becomes effective July 1, 2017.



SECTION 2.(a)  The following base salary schedule for school‑based administrators shall apply only to principals and assistant principals. This base salary schedule shall apply for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year commencing July 1, 2017.

2017‑2018 Principal and Assistant Principal Salary Schedules


Years of Exp              Assistant            Prin I              Prin II             Prin III                  Prin IV

                                   Principal            (0‑10)             (11‑21)            (22‑32)                  (33‑43)

         0‑9                       $5,393                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑

         10                        $5,486                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑

         11                        $5,687                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑

         12                        $5,849                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑

         13                        $5,963             $5,963                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑

         14                        $6,038             $6,038                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑

         15                        $6,117             $6,117             $6,192                       ‑                       ‑

         16                        $6,192             $6,192             $6,272                       ‑                       ‑

         17                        $6,272             $6,272             $6,353             $6,435                       ‑

         18                        $6,353             $6,353             $6,435             $6,519             $6,605

         19                        $6,435             $6,435             $6,519             $6,605             $6,692

         20                        $6,519             $6,519             $6,605             $6,692             $6,784

         21                        $6,605             $6,605             $6,692             $6,784             $6,874

         22                        $6,692             $6,692             $6,784             $6,874             $6,966

         23                        $6,784             $6,784             $6,874             $6,966             $7,061

         24                        $6,874             $6,874             $6,966             $7,061             $7,156

         25                        $6,966             $6,966             $7,061             $7,156             $7,260

         26                        $7,061             $7,061             $7,156             $7,260             $7,359

         27                        $7,156             $7,156             $7,260             $7,359             $7,461

         28                        $7,260             $7,260             $7,359             $7,461             $7,563

         29                        $7,359             $7,359             $7,461             $7,563             $7,670

         30                        $7,461             $7,461             $7,563             $7,670             $7,782

         31                        $7,563             $7,563             $7,670             $7,782             $7,893

         32                        $7,670             $7,670             $7,782             $7,893             $7,992

         33                        $7,782             $7,782             $7,893             $7,992             $8,151

         34                        $7,893             $7,893             $7,992             $8,151             $8,313

         35                        $7,992             $7,992             $8,151             $8,313             $8,480

         36                        $8,151             $8,151             $8,313             $8,480             $8,650

         37                                  ‑             $8,313             $8,480             $8,650             $8,823

         38                                  ‑                       ‑             $8,650             $8,823             $8,999

         39                                  ‑                       ‑             $8,823             $8,999             $9,179

         40                                  ‑                       ‑                       ‑             $9,179             $9,362

         41                                  ‑                       ‑                       ‑             $9,362             $9,550

         42                                  ‑                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑             $9,740

2017‑2018 Principal and Assistant Principal Salary Schedules


Years of Exp                Prin V             Prin VI           Prin VII          Prin VIII

                                    (44‑54)            (55‑65)           (66‑100)            (101+)

         0‑19                     $6,784                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑

         20                        $6,874                       ‑                       ‑                       ‑

         21                        $6,966             $7,061                       ‑                       ‑

         22                        $7,061             $7,156             $7,359                       ‑

         23                        $7,156             $7,260             $7,461             $7,563

         24                        $7,260             $7,359             $7,563             $7,670

         25                        $7,359             $7,461             $7,670             $7,782

         26                        $7,461             $7,563             $7,782             $7,893

         27                        $7,563             $7,670             $7,893             $7,992

         28                        $7,670             $7,782             $7,992             $8,151

         29                        $7,782             $7,893             $8,151             $8,313

         30                        $7,893             $7,992             $8,313             $8,480

         31                        $7,992             $8,151             $8,480             $8,650

         32                        $8,151             $8,313             $8,650             $8,823

         33                        $8,313             $8,480             $8,823             $8,999

         34                        $8,480             $8,650             $8,999             $9,179

         35                        $8,650             $8,823             $9,179             $9,362

         36                        $8,823             $8,999             $9,362             $9,550

         37                        $8,999             $9,179             $9,550             $9,740

         38                        $9,179             $9,362             $9,740             $9,934

         39                        $9,362             $9,550             $9,934           $10,133

         40                        $9,550             $9,740           $10,133           $10,335

         41                        $9,740             $9,934           $10,335           $10,543

         42                        $9,934           $10,133           $10,543           $10,754

         43                      $10,133           $10,335           $10,754           $10,968

         44                                  ‑           $10,543           $10,968           $11,189

         45                                  ‑           $10,754           $11,189           $11,412

         46+                                ‑                       ‑           $11,412           $11,640

SECTION 2.(b)  The appropriate classification for placement of principals and assistant principals on the salary schedule, except for principals in alternative schools and in cooperative innovative high schools, shall be determined in accordance with the following schedule:

Classification                               Number of Teachers Supervised

Assistant Principal

Principal I                                      Fewer than 11 Teachers

Principal II                                    11‑21 Teachers

Principal III                                   22‑32 Teachers

Principal IV                                   33‑43 Teachers

Principal V                                    44‑54 Teachers

Principal VI                                   55‑65 Teachers

Principal VII                                 66‑100 Teachers

Principal VIII                                More than 100 Teachers

The number of teachers supervised includes teachers and assistant principals paid from State funds only; it does not include teachers or assistant principals paid from non‑State funds or the principal or teacher assistants.

The beginning classification for principals in alternative schools and in cooperative innovative high school programs shall be the Principal III level. Principals in alternative schools who supervise 33 or more teachers shall be classified according to the number of teachers supervised.

SECTION 2.(c)  A principal shall be placed on the step on the salary schedule that reflects the total number of years of experience as a certified employee of the public schools and an additional step for every three years of experience serving as a principal on or before June 30, 2009. A principal or assistant principal shall also continue to receive any additional State‑funded percentage increases earned for the 1997‑1998, 1998‑1999, and 1999‑2000 school years for improvement in student performance or maintaining a safe and orderly school.

SECTION 2.(d)  Principals and assistant principals with certification based on academic preparation at the six‑year degree level shall be paid a salary supplement of one hundred twenty‑six dollars ($126.00) per month and at the doctoral degree level shall be paid a salary supplement of two hundred fifty‑three dollars ($253.00) per month.

SECTION 2.(e)  Longevity pay for principals and assistant principals shall be as provided for State employees under the North Carolina Human Resources Act.

SECTION 2.(f)  If a principal is reassigned to a higher job classification because the principal is transferred to a school within a local school administrative unit with a larger number of State‑allotted teachers, the principal shall be placed on the salary schedule as if the principal had served the principal's entire career as a principal at the higher job classification.

If a principal is reassigned to a lower job classification because the principal is transferred to a school within a local school administrative unit with a smaller number of State‑allotted teachers, the principal shall be placed on the salary schedule as if the principal had served the principal's entire career as a principal at the lower job classification.

This subsection applies to all transfers on or after the effective date of this section, except transfers in school systems that have been created, or will be created, by merging two or more school systems. Transfers in these merged systems are exempt from the provisions of this subsection for one calendar year following the date of the merger.

SECTION 2.(g)  Participants in an approved full‑time master's in‑school administration program shall receive up to a 10‑month stipend at the beginning salary of an assistant principal during the internship period of the master's program. The stipend shall not exceed the difference between the beginning salary of an assistant principal plus the cost of tuition, fees, and books and any fellowship funds received by the intern as a full‑time student, including awards of the Principal Fellows Program. The Principal Fellows Program or the school of education where the intern participates in a full‑time master's in‑school administration program shall supply the Department of Public Instruction with certification of eligible full‑time interns.

SECTION 2.(h)  During the 2017‑2020 fiscal years, the placement on the salary schedule of an administrator with a one‑year provisional assistant principal's certificate shall be at the entry‑level salary for an assistant principal or the appropriate step on the teacher salary schedule, whichever is higher.

SECTION 2.(i)  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction the sum of thirty‑eight million six hundred twenty‑two thousand nine hundred sixty‑six dollars ($38,622,966) in recurring funds for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year, seventy‑seven million two hundred forty‑five thousand nine hundred thirty‑three dollars ($77,245,933) in recurring funds for the 2018‑2019 fiscal year, and one hundred fifteen million eight hundred sixty‑eight thousand eight hundred ninety‑nine dollars ($115,868,899) in recurring funds for the 2019‑2020 fiscal year to implement the provisions of this section.

SECTION 2.(j)  This section becomes effective July 1, 2017.



SECTION 3.(a)  Article 20 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new section to read:

"§ 115C‑311.  Compensation for advanced teaching roles.

(a)        Purpose. – The State Board of Education shall establish a statewide program to be implemented in select local school administrative units that utilizes advanced teaching roles and organizational models linking teacher performance and professional growth to salary increases for classroom teachers. For the purposes of this section, a classroom teacher is a teacher who works in the classroom providing instruction at least seventy percent (70%) of the instructional day and who is not instructional support personnel. The purpose of the program shall be to do the following:

(1)        Allow highly effective classroom teachers the opportunity to teach an increased number of students by accepting accountability for additional students, by becoming a lead classroom teacher, or by leading school‑wide performance improvement efforts. Lead classroom teachers are accountable for the performance of all students taught by teachers on the lead teacher's team. School‑wide performance improvement efforts include, but are not limited to, new instructional models.

(2)        Enable local school administrative units to provide salary supplements to classroom teachers in advanced teaching roles. Selection of an advanced teaching role classroom teacher and award of related salary supplements shall be made on the basis of demonstrated effectiveness and additional responsibilities.

(3)        Enable local school administrative units to create innovative compensation models that focus on classroom teacher professional growth and student outcomes.

(4)        Establish organizational changes related to compensation by utilizing local plans to sustain evidence‑based teaching practices that have the capacity to be replicated throughout the State.

(b)        Implementation. – The State Board shall include the following elements in the program:

(1)        Program structure, including the process for teacher advancement based on performance, professional growth, or the specific teacher roles assumed by the teacher.

(2)        Descriptions of the advanced teaching roles, including minimum qualifications for the positions that must include at least one of the following:

a.         Advanced certifications, such as National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification or a master's degree in the area in which the classroom teacher is licensed and teaching.

b.         A rating of at least accomplished on each of the Teacher Evaluation Standards 1‑5 on the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation instrument or the equivalent on an out‑of‑state evaluation system.

c.         Evidence that the teacher has exceeded expected student growth based on three years of teacher evaluation data as calculated by the State Board of Education.

d.         Equivalent demonstrated mastery of teaching skills as required by the new local compensation model.

(3)        Job responsibilities that include at least one of the following:

a.         Teaching an increased number of students and being accountable for their performance as the teacher of record for those students.

b.         Becoming a lead classroom teacher among a group of teachers and being the teacher of record for all students taught by that group of teachers.

c.         Leading a school‑wide effort to implement data‑driven instructional models that include blended learning environments, utilizing digital learning and resources, and focusing on methods of improvement for school‑wide performance issues.

d.         Completing training that certifies the teacher as an in‑house provider of professional development or functioning as an instructional content area coach or a coach in another professional development area.

e.         Serving as a teacher mentor.

(4)        Process for informing all employees and the public of the criteria and selection for the advanced teaching roles, the continued eligibility requirements for the advanced teaching roles, and how the individuals selected for the advanced teaching roles will be evaluated.

(5)        Process for informing all employees and the public on the criteria for movement on the proposed new local compensation model.

(6)        Process for the voluntary relinquishment of an advanced teaching role, including the associated additional duties. Voluntary relinquishment of the advanced teaching role shall not be considered a demotion under Part 3 of Article 22 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes.

(7)        Salary supplement information including the following:

a.         The amount of the salary supplements that will be provided to those selected for the advanced teaching roles. The supplements may be up to thirty percent (30%) of the State teacher salary schedule.

b.         A statement that the salary supplements will be paid as a supplement to the classroom teacher's regular salary and not be included in the average salary calculation used for budgeting State allotments.

c.         A statement that if a classroom teacher in an advanced teaching role (i) fails to maintain the minimum criteria established for the position, (ii) is not successfully performing the additional duties associated with the advanced teaching role, or (iii) voluntarily relinquishes the advanced teaching role, the teacher shall only be paid the salary applicable to that individual on the State teacher salary schedule and any other local supplements that would otherwise apply to the classroom teacher's compensation.

d.         The amount of the salary supplements at all levels of the proposed new local school administrative unit compensation model in relation to the State teacher salary schedule.

(8)        The implementation plan, including the number of schools in the local school administrative unit that will have advanced teaching roles and any new proposed compensation model, the number of advanced teaching roles at each of those schools, the number of students whose teacher of record will be a teacher in an advanced teaching role, and the number of teachers overall who would be eligible for the proposed new local school administrative unit compensation model.

(9)        Plans for financial sustainability once any grant money that may be awarded to the local school administrative unit is no longer available.

(c)        Use of Funds. – Funds awarded to local school administrative units shall be used for any of the following:

(1)        Salary supplements for advanced teaching roles.

(2)        Development of advanced teaching role plans.

(3)        Development of professional development courses.

(4)        Transition costs associated with designing and implementing advanced teaching role models in schools within the local school administrative unit. Transition costs may include employing staff members or contractors to assist with design and implementation of the pilot plan.

(5)        Development of the design and implementation of compensation plans that focus on teacher professional growth and student outcomes and the transition costs associated with designing and implementing new compensation plans, including employing staff members or contractors to assist with design and implementation of the pilot plan.

(d)       Flexibility for Local School Administrative Units. – Notwithstanding G.S. 115C‑301, local school administrative units receiving funding under this program may exceed the maximum class size requirements for kindergarten through third grade."

SECTION 3.(b)  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction the sum of three hundred twenty‑eight million sixty‑six thousand six hundred twenty‑eight dollars ($328,066,628) for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year, three hundred seventy‑one million eight hundred ten thousand five hundred twenty‑two dollars ($371,810,522) for the 2018‑2019 fiscal year, and four hundred sixteen million six thousand nine hundred thirty‑eight dollars ($416,006,938) for the 2019‑2020 fiscal year to implement the provisions of this section and to provide for seven advanced teaching roles for each school in a local school administrative unit.

SECTION 3.(c)  This section becomes effective July 1, 2017.


part iv. education‑based salary supplements

SECTION 4.1.  Section 8.22 of S.L. 2013‑360, as amended by Section 8.3(a) of S.L. 2014‑100, is repealed.

SECTION 4.2.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, only the following teachers and instructional support personnel shall be paid on the "M" salary schedule or receive a salary supplement for academic preparation at the six‑year degree level or at the doctoral degree level for the 2017‑2018 school year and subsequent school years:

(1)        Certified school nurses and instructional support personnel in positions for which a master's degree is required for licensure.

(2)        Teachers and instructional support personnel who were paid on that salary schedule or received that salary supplement prior to the 2014‑2015 school year.

(3)        Teachers and instructional support personnel who (i) complete a degree at the master's, six‑year, or doctoral degree level for which they completed at least one course prior to August 1, 2013, and (ii) would have qualified for the salary supplement pursuant to State Board of Education policy, TCP‑A‑006, as it was in effect on June 30, 2013.

(4)        Teachers and instructional support personnel who do not qualify under subdivisions (1), (2), and (3) of this section but who spend at least seventy percent (70%) of their work time in either of the following:

a.         Classroom instruction related to their graduate academic preparation in their field or subject area within their area of licensure. Most of the teachers' remaining time shall be spent in one or more of the following:

1.         Mentoring teachers.

2.         Performing demonstration lessons for teachers.

3.         Writing curricula.

4.         Developing and leading staff development programs for teachers.

b.         Work within the employee's area of graduate academic preparation.

SECTION 4.3.  Beginning with the 2017‑2018 fiscal year and subsequent fiscal years thereafter, for teachers who are paid on the "M" salary schedule under subdivision (4) of Section 4.2 of this act, determination of whether teachers and instructional support personnel shall be paid on the "M" salary schedule or receive a salary supplement for academic preparation shall take place on an annual basis. Teachers and instructional support personnel may be moved off of the "M" salary schedule or discontinue receiving salary supplements if they are not meeting the requirements of subdivision (4) of Section 4.2 of this act in that year.

SECTION 4.4.  Unless an individual otherwise qualifies under subdivisions (2) or (3) of Section 4.2 of this act, teachers and instructional support personnel who earn an advanced degree in school administration shall not be paid on the "M" salary schedule or receive a salary supplement for academic preparation unless they serve as an assistant principal or principal.

SECTION 4.5.  This Part becomes effective July 1, 2017.


part v. teacher sabbaticals

SECTION 5.1.  Article 20 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new section to read:

"§ 115C‑302.5.  Educational sabbatical leave for teachers.

(a)        In accordance with this section, the State Board of Education shall establish rules for local school administrative units to grant interval educational sabbatical leave to classroom teachers according to a teacher's years of service in North Carolina public schools. A classroom teacher shall be eligible to request up to a six‑month educational sabbatical leave between (i) seven and 10 years of service, (ii) 12 and 15 years of service, and (iii) 20 and 25 years of service. After 25 years of service, a classroom teacher shall be eligible to request up to a one‑year educational sabbatical leave. A classroom teacher shall not be granted educational sabbatical leave more frequently than every five years. For the purposes of this section, a classroom teacher is a teacher who works in the classroom providing instruction and who is not instructional support personnel.

(b)        A classroom teacher granted an educational sabbatical leave shall enroll in an accredited institution of higher education to take one or more courses for an educational research project related to the classroom teacher's job. A project must be significantly rigorous and must have evident links that translate into improved instructional delivery of content to students. After the educational research project has been completed, the classroom teacher must file a copy of the completed product of the research, which may include a research paper, book, or film or video production, with the principal of the classroom teacher's school and the superintendent of the local school administrative unit."

SECTION 5.2.  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction the sum of one hundred forty‑three million sixty thousand six hundred fifty‑three dollars ($143,060,653) for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year, one hundred sixty million six hundred two thousand two hundred eighteen dollars ($160,602,218) for the 2018‑2019 fiscal year, and one hundred seventy‑eight million three hundred twenty‑five thousand two hundred forty‑eight dollars ($178,325,248) for the 2019‑2020 fiscal year to implement this Part.  

SECTION 5.3.  This Part becomes effective July 1, 2017, and applies beginning with the 2017‑2018 school year.


part vi. mentor teacher program

SECTION 6.(a)  G.S. 115C‑296 reads as rewritten:

"§ 115C‑296.  Board sets licensure requirements; reports; lateral entry and mentor programs.

(e)        The State Board of Education shall develop a mentor program to provide ongoing support for teachers entering the profession. In developing the mentor program, the State Board shall conduct a comprehensive study of the needs of new teachers and how those needs can be met through an orientation and mentor support program. For the purpose of helping local boards to support new teachers, the State Board shall develop and distribute guidelines which address optimum teaching load, extracurricular duties, student assignment, and other working condition considerations. These guidelines shall provide that initially licensed teachers not be assigned extracurricular activities unless they request the assignments in writing and that other noninstructional duties of these teachers be minimized. The State Board shall develop and coordinate a mentor teacher training program. The State Board shall develop criteria for selecting excellent, experienced, and qualified teachers to be participants in the mentor teacher training program, including requiring that mentor teachers have been rated, through formal evaluations, at least at the "accomplished" level as part of the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation System and have met expectations for student growth. Each new teacher shall have one mentor and each mentor shall have one teacher mentee. The mentor shall prepare all of the mentee's lesson plans while the mentee has fewer than two years of experience. The mentor shall also observe and counsel the mentee during this period of time. If the mentor believes that the mentee is suffering from severe stress, exhaustion, or disillusionment related to the profession, the mentor shall refer the mentee to the Teacher Support Program established pursuant to G.S. 115C‑300.5.

(e1)      The State Board of Education shall allot funds for mentoring services to local school administrative units based on the highest number of employees in the preceding three school years who (i) are paid with State, federal, or local funds and (ii) are either teachers paid on the first or second steps of the teacher salary schedule or instructional support personnel paid on the first step of the instructional support personnel salary schedule.

To the extent funds are appropriated for this purpose, the State Board shall compensate mentors for duties related to participating in the teacher mentor program in accordance with G.S. 115C‑311(b)(3)e. Local school administrative units shall use these funds to provide mentoring support to eligible employees in accordance with a plan approved by the State Board of Education. The plan shall include information on how all mentors in the local school administrative unit will be adequately trained to provide mentoring support.

(e2)      The Department of Public Instruction shall provide any teacher who is referred to the Teacher Support Program under subsection (e) of this section with weekly access to a counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or social worker for six months after the date of referral. In the discretion of the mentor, the mentor may rerefer a mentee to the Program as necessary during the period of the mentor‑mentee relationship.


SECTION 6.(b)  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction the sum of one hundred sixty‑eight million nine hundred sixty‑eight thousand two hundred seventy‑six dollars ($168,968,276) in recurring funds for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year to provide a monthly stipend of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for each teacher serving as a teacher mentor pursuant to the provisions of this section.

SECTION 6.(c)  This section becomes effective July 1, 2017, and applies beginning with the 2017‑2018 school year.


part vII.  Principals supporting teachers/professional development

SECTION 7.(a)  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction the sum of five million dollars ($5,000,000) in recurring funds for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year to provide funds to the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) to support a professional development program for principals and assistant principals focusing on the principal's role in recruitment and retention of high quality teachers. NCCAT shall use these funds to deliver a professional development program that will prepare school leaders for the responsibility of providing teacher support and promoting teacher success in at least the following ways:

(1)        Providing strategies for recruiting high quality teachers through innovative methods to enrich professional opportunities and develop advanced roles for teachers.

(2)        Creating a collaborative learning environment for teachers.

(3)        Designing and delivering professional development to teachers with a particular emphasis on support for beginning teachers.

(4)        Assessing teacher performance and encouraging professional growth.

(5)        Recognizing signs of professional fatigue and developing strategies for long‑term teacher retention.

(6)        Highlighting the importance of teachers' roles in school and individual student success by cultivating trust between school administrators and teachers and promoting feedback and assistance from peers.

SECTION 7.(b)  Beginning September 15, 2018, and annually thereafter, the Department of Public Instruction shall report to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee on the delivery and outcomes of the professional development program required by this section, including the number of participants and results for principals and assistant principals in recruiting and retaining high quality teachers in their schools.


part viIi.  restore teaching fellows

SECTION 8.1.  Article 23 of Chapter 116 of the General Statutes is amended by adding new sections to read:

"§ 116‑209.27A.  North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission.

There is established the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission. The Authority shall provide staff and office space to the Commission. The Commission shall exercise its powers and functions in coordination with the Authority.

"§ 116‑209.27B.  Membership.

(a)        The Commission shall consist of 11 members as follows:

(1)        The Chair of the State Board of Education or his or her designee.

(2)        The Lieutenant Governor or his or her designee.

(3)        Three persons appointed by the Governor.

(4)        Three persons appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, as provided in G.S. 120‑121.

(5)        Three persons appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as provided in G.S. 120‑121.

Terms of commission members appointed under this section expire on June 30 of the year of expiration. In 2017, three members shall be appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one for a term to expire June 30, 2019, one for a term to expire June 30, 2020, and one for a term to expire June 30, 2021. In 2017, three members shall be appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the President of the Senate, one for a term to expire June 30, 2018, one for a term to expire June 30, 2019, and one for a term to expire June 30, 2020. In 2017, three members shall be appointed by the Governor, one for a term to expire June 30, 2019, one for a term to expire June 30, 2020, and one for a term to expire June 30, 2021. Subsequent appointments are for a term of four years.

(b)        Each of the appointing entities shall seek to achieve a balanced membership representing, to the maximum extent possible, the State as a whole. The Commission members shall be chosen from among individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to education.

(c)        Commission members shall be appointed for four‑year terms after the initial appointments expire as set forth in this subsection.

(d)       In the event a vacancy occurs for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the entity that made the appointment, except that vacancies in appointments by the General Assembly shall be filled under G.S. 120‑122. The new appointee shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.

(e)        The Lieutenant Governor or his or her designee shall serve as chair.

(f)        Members of the Commission shall receive per diem and necessary travel and subsistence expenses in accordance with Chapter 138 of the General Statutes.

(g)        The Commission shall meet regularly at times and places the chair deems necessary.

"§ 116‑209.27C.  Teaching Fellows Program established; administration.

(a)        A Teaching Fellows Program shall be administered by the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission, in coordination with the Authority. The Teaching Fellows Program shall be used to provide a four‑year scholarship loan of six thousand five hundred dollars ($6,500) per year to North Carolina high school seniors interested in preparing to teach in the public schools of the State. The Commission shall adopt very stringent standards, including minimum grade point average and scholastic aptitude test scores, for awarding these scholarship loans to ensure that only the best high school seniors receive them.

(b)        The Commission shall administer the program in cooperation with educator preparation programs selected by the Commission. Teaching Fellows should be exposed to a range of extracurricular activities while in the program. These activities should be geared to instilling a strong motivation not only to remain in teaching but to provide leadership for tomorrow's schools.

(c)        The Commission shall form regional review committees to assist it in identifying the best high school seniors for the program. The Commission and the review committees shall make an effort to identify and encourage minority students and students who may not otherwise consider a career in teaching to enter the program.

(d)       All scholarship loans shall be evidenced by notes made payable to the Authority that shall bear interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per year beginning September 1 after completion of the program or immediately after termination of the scholarship loan, whichever is earlier. The scholarship loan may be terminated by the recipient withdrawing from school or by the recipient not meeting the standards set by the Commission.

(e)        The Authority shall forgive the loan if, within seven years after graduation, the recipient teaches for four years at a North Carolina public school or at a school operated by the United States government in North Carolina. The Authority shall also forgive the loan if, within seven years after graduation, the recipient teaches for three consecutive years, unless the recipient takes an approved leave of absence, at a North Carolina public school in a local school administrative unit that, at the time the recipient accepts employment with the unit, is a low‑performing school system identified in accordance with G.S. 115C‑105.37. The Authority shall also forgive the loan if it finds that it is impossible for the recipient to teach for four years, within seven years after graduation, at a North Carolina public school or at a school operated by the United States government in North Carolina, because of the death or permanent disability of the recipient.

(f)        All funds appropriated to or otherwise received by the Teaching Fellows Program for scholarships, all funds received as repayment of scholarship loans, and all interest earned on these funds shall be placed in a revolving fund. This revolving fund shall be used for scholarship loans granted under the Teaching Fellows Program. With the prior approval of the General Assembly in the Current Operations Appropriations Act, the revolving fund may also be used for campus and summer program support, and costs related to disbursement of awards and collection of loan repayments.

The Authority may use up to six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) each fiscal year from the fund balance for costs associated with administration of the Teaching Fellows Program.

(g)        The Authority is responsible for the collection of a loan awarded under this section if the loan repayment is outstanding for more than 30 days."

SECTION 8.2.  G.S. 120‑123 is amended by adding a new subdivision to read:

"(59b)  The North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission established by G.S. 116‑209.27C."

SECTION 8.3.  The catch line of G.S. 116‑209.27 reads as rewritten:

"§ 116‑209.27.  Administration as of March 1, 2017, of outstanding scholarships previously awarded by Teaching Fellows Program."

SECTION 8.4.(a)  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina the sum of four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year and the sum of eight hundred ten thousand dollars ($810,000) for the 2018‑2019 fiscal year to be allocated to the State Education Assistance Authority for administration of the program and the expenses of the Teaching Fellows Commission, including expenses related to recruitment and selection of Teaching Fellows.

SECTION 8.4.(b)  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina the sum of three million two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($3,250,000) for the 2018‑2019 fiscal year to provide 500 Teaching Fellowships the sum of six thousand five hundred dollars ($6,500) per recipient for the 2018‑2019 academic year.

SECTION 8.4.(c)  This section becomes effective July 1, 2017.

SECTION 8.5.  Except as otherwise provided in this Part, this Part is effective when it becomes law.


part ix. loan repayment assistance for teacher service

SECTION 9.1.  Chapter 116 of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new Article to read:

"Article 35.

"Loan Repayment Assistance Program for Teachers.

"§ 116‑284.  Purpose.

The Loan Repayment Assistance Program for Teachers is designed to attract qualified teachers to the field of education and to address the educational needs of the State. The program is established to help participants reduce the amount of indebtedness created by the cost of higher education through assisting in the repayment of educational loans.

"§ 116‑285.  Definitions.

The following definitions apply to this Article:

(1)        Authority. – The State Education Assistance Authority.

(2)        Eligible debt. – The outstanding principal, interest, and related fees from loans obtained for undergraduate or graduate educational expenses made by government or commercial lending institutions or educational institutions. Eligible debt does not include loans made by a private individual or family member.

(3)        Eligible teacher. – A classroom teacher currently licensed in North Carolina who is rated as "highly effective" on the most recent North Carolina Teacher Evaluation instrument through the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System or the equivalent on an out‑of‑state teacher's state or district instrument. For the purposes of this act, a highly effective classroom teacher is a teacher who receives a rating of at least "accomplished" on each of the teacher evaluation standards on the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation instrument and who exceeds expected student growth based on teacher evaluation data as calculated by the State Board of Education or equivalent on an out‑of‑state teacher's state or district evaluation system.

(4)        Fund. – The Teachers' Loan Repayment Assistance Fund established under G.S. 116‑288.

(5)        Program. – The Loan Repayment Assistance Program for Teachers.

(6)        Repayment assistance loan. – A forgivable loan made under the Program.

(7)        Repayment assistance period. – Up to six years of eligible employment as an eligible teacher from the time of receipt of a repayment assistance loan.

"§ 116‑286.  Repayment assistance loans.

(a)        The Authority shall administer the Loan Repayment Assistance Program for Teachers in accordance with the provisions of this Article and adopt any necessary rules, including adopting an application process, eligibility guidelines, and a process for certifying an applicant's employment status and reevaluating eligibility on an annual basis.

(b)        Any eligible teacher may apply to the Authority for a repayment assistance loan under the Program to repay all or a portion of the teacher's eligible debt by receiving repayment assistance loans for up to six years for eligible debt accrued toward an undergraduate degree and for up to six years for eligible debt accrued toward a graduate degree. The eligible teacher shall have been employed for at least one year in any local school administrative unit in North Carolina prior to applying for the initial year of repayment assistance. The eligible teacher shall include in the teacher's application for repayment assistance a signed statement of intent to remain employed in a North Carolina public school for a period of at least four years following each year the eligible teacher receives a repayment assistance loan. The eligible teacher shall agree to repay in full any repayment assistance loans disbursed to the eligible teacher if the teacher fails to complete the repayment assistance period due to voluntarily leaving employment in a North Carolina public school and fails to secure other qualifying employment.

(c)        An applicant shall not be eligible for a repayment assistance loan if the applicant is in default on any obligation to a government or commercial lending institution or educational institution until those financial obligations are satisfied. The Authority may waive ineligibility for this reason at its sole discretion.

"§ 116‑287.  Amount of loan; termination of eligible employment.

(a)        The Authority shall annually provide repayment assistance loans to eligible teachers from monies available in the Fund. The Authority shall award repayment assistance loans of up to six thousand five hundred dollars ($6,500) per calendar year for an eligible teacher that meets the criteria set forth in G.S. 116‑285(3) in the order in which applications are received.

(b)        All repayment assistance loans shall be evidenced by promissory notes made payable to the Authority. The Authority shall forgive the repayment assistance loan in the amount of each annual disbursement once the eligible teacher remains employed in a North Carolina public school for four years following the receipt of funds. An eligible teacher who received a repayment assistance loan in a previous year shall provide documentation to the Authority that the funds in the amount of the loan were submitted to the government or commercial lending institutions or educational institutions for repayment of the teacher's eligible debt.

(c)        An eligible teacher shall notify the Authority if the teacher's employment that provided the basis for eligibility under the Program terminates or changes, voluntarily or involuntarily, before exiting the repayment assistance period. An eligible teacher who voluntarily leaves the qualifying employment shall be required to repay in full any funds that were paid to the teacher, with interest accruing at the annualized rate applicable to the eligible debt being repaid, if not yet forgiven under subsection (b) of this section at the time of termination. An eligible teacher who (i) cannot fulfill the employment requirements due to death or disability, (ii) takes a leave of absence, or (iii) is involuntarily terminated shall no longer be eligible for a repayment assistance loan under the Program but shall not be responsible for repaying the outstanding amount of loans previously disbursed to the eligible teacher during the repayment assistance period.

"§ 116‑288.  Establishment of the Teachers' Loan Repayment Assistance Fund.

There is established the Teachers' Loan Repayment Assistance Fund to be administered by the Authority. All funds appropriated to or otherwise received by the Authority to provide repayment assistance loans through the Program, all funds received as repayment of loans, and all interest earned on these funds shall be placed in the Fund. The Fund shall be used only for (i) repayment assistance loans made pursuant to this section and (ii) the administrative costs of the Authority.

"§ 116‑289.  Report by the Authority.

The Authority shall report no later than December 1, 2018, and annually thereafter, to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee regarding the Fund and repayment assistance loans awarded from the Fund."

SECTION 9.2.  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina the sum of four million sixty thousand dollars ($4,060,000) for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year and the sum of seven million three hundred ten thousand dollars ($7,310,000) for the 2018‑2019 fiscal year to implement the provisions of this section. The State Education Assistance Authority may use up to eight hundred ten thousand dollars ($810,000) of the funds appropriated in this section for each fiscal year for administration of the program.

SECTION 9.3.  This Part becomes effective July 1, 2017.



SECTION 10.  Chapter 115C of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new section to read:

"§ 115C‑296.14.  Regional Education Task Force.

(a)        Establishment and Purpose. – There is established the Regional Education Task Force (Task Force). The Task Force shall monitor the teacher preparation program to obtain data that may assist in evaluating the program and in determining its strengths and weaknesses. The data compiled by the Task Force for evaluation of the program may include the following: the qualifications of students entering the program, the preparedness of students graduating from the program, the number of program graduates who actually become teachers, the subject areas that they teach, the location of the teaching positions, the length of time program graduates remain in the teaching profession, and any other information that may be helpful in the evaluation of the program.

(b)        Membership Regions. – The membership of the Task Force shall be divided into three geographical categories as follows:

(1)        Western Region.

a.         Western Carolina University.

b.         University of North Carolina at Asheville.

c.         Appalachian State University.

d.         University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

e.         Winston‑Salem State University.

(2)        Piedmont Region.

a.         University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

b.         North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.

c.         University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

d.         North Carolina Central University.

e.         North Carolina State University.

(3)        Eastern Region.

a.         University of North Carolina at Pembroke.

b.         Fayetteville State University.

c.         Elizabeth City State University.

d.         East Carolina University.

e.         University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

(c)        Membership; Terms; Vacancies. – The Chair of the Department of Education at each constituent institution shall appoint to the Task Force a professor from the Department of Education to serve as the member representing that constituent institution. Terms on the Task Force are for one year and begin on July 1, except the terms of the initial members, which begin on appointment. Resignation or removal as a professor in the education department constitutes resignation or removal from service on the Task Force. A member continues to serve until the member's successor is appointed. Any vacancy on the Task Force shall be filled by the officer who made the original appointment. No person may serve as a member for more than four years.

(d)       Chair. – The initial chair for the Task Force shall be appointed by the Chair of the State Board of Education. Thereafter the chair shall be elected annually by the membership as follows:

Each year the chair shall be elected from a different region. Upon completion of the initial chair's term of service a new chair shall be elected from the members representing the Western Region. The following year the chair shall be elected from the members representing the Piedmont Region. The next year the chair shall be elected from the members representing the Eastern Region, and the rotation of regions shall continue in the same order. No member may serve as Chair for more than two years.

(e)        Quorum. – A quorum of the Task Force is a majority of the members.

(f)        Meetings. – The Chair shall convene the Task Force. Meetings shall held as often as necessary, but not less than once a year.

(g)        Report. – The Task Force shall report annually to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee regarding the data compiled and its evaluation of the teacher preparation program. The report shall include any legislative proposals recommended by the Task Force. The Task Force shall make its first report on September 1, 2018."


part xI. personal learning technology for all students in grades Seven through 12

SECTION 11.1.  G.S. 115C‑102.6A(c) is amended by adding a new subdivision to read:

"(4a)    A plan to equip all students in grades seven through 12 with personal learning technology statewide. The plan shall include at least the following:

a.         Promote equal opportunity for and provide meaningful access to personal learning technology resources for students who are economically disadvantaged or have special needs.

b.         Support student achievement through the integration of personal learning technologies that are content‑focused and that add value to existing instructional methods.

c.         Provide for future sustainability of learning technology resources to adapt to future educational needs and to avoid obsolescence of learning technology resources.

d.         Provide effective preparation, professional development, and training programs for teachers and other educators in the use and integration of learning technology tools in curriculum development, instructional methods, and student assessment systems.

e.         Estimate the level of expenditure for purchases of portable computing devices or the anticipated principal and interest costs for the year of allocation for leases and other appropriate financing arrangements, including leases under which the learning technology plan may apply the lease payments to the purchase of those devices.

f.          Estimate the level of expenditures for software and services such as technical support and education intranet services necessary for operation of personal learning technologies."

SECTION 11.2.  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the State School Technology Fund, established under G.S. 115C‑102.6D, the sum of fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) in recurring funds for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year for the State Board of Education to implement, as part of the State School Technology Plan, the plan to equip all students in grades seven through 12 with personal learning technology in accordance with G.S. 115C‑102.6A(c), as amended by this Part. Within the funds appropriated for this purpose, the State Board may phase in deployment of personal learning technology beginning with seventh grade and eighth grade students. The State Board shall then use available funds to deploy personal learning equipment to students in high school.

SECTION 11.3.  This Part becomes effective July 1, 2017, and applies beginning with the 2018‑2019 school year.



SECTION 12.1.(a)  Findings. – The General Assembly makes the following findings:

(1)        Access to early childhood programs increases the academic success rate of children and reduces special education placements. Specifically, participation in North Carolina's Early Childhood Initiatives reduces the odds of special education placement by thirty‑nine percent (39%).

(2)        The National Institute for Early Education Research assesses preschool programs in all 40 states and the District of Columbia that offer programs according to the following benchmarks: early learning standards, teacher degrees, teacher specialized training, assistant teacher degrees, teacher in‑service, maximum class size, staff‑child ratio, screening/referral and support services, meals, and monitoring. As such, North Carolina's prekindergarten program (NC Pre‑K) is one of only five states in the country that meets all benchmarks for high quality state prekindergarten standards.

(3)        More than 14 years of studies on the NC Pre‑K program demonstrate positive outcomes in the key domains of learning for later school success, including language development and communication, cognitive development, and both social and emotional development.

(4)        Research indicates children progress at an even greater rate during participation in NC Pre‑K than expected for normal developmental growth and NC Pre‑K produces higher test scores, less grade retention, and fewer special education placements.

(5)        It is a matter of health and human services to expand the NC Pre‑K program to include three‑year‑olds, extend the coverage to 12 months of the program year, and appropriate funds for the NC Pre‑K program.

SECTION 12.1.(b)  Eligibility. – To ensure children three and four years of age are kindergarten‑ready, the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Development and Early Education, shall continue implementing the prekindergarten program (NC Pre‑K) and serve children who are four years of age. However, beginning January 1, 2018, the program shall be extended to cover 12 months of the program year. Additionally, beginning January 1, 2020, the NC Pre‑K program shall be expanded to serve children who are three years of age and shall cover 12 months of the program year. A child shall be either three or four years of age on or before August 31 of the program year. In determining eligibility, the Division shall establish income eligibility requirements for the program not to exceed seventy‑five percent (75%) of the State median income. Up to twenty percent (20%) of children enrolled may have family incomes in excess of seventy‑five percent (75%) of median income if those children have other designated risk factors. Furthermore, any age‑eligible child who is a child of either of the following shall be eligible for the program: (i) an active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States, including the North Carolina National Guard, State military forces, or a reserve component of the Armed Forces who was ordered to active duty by the proper authority within the last 18 months or is expected to be ordered within the next 18 months or (ii) a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, including the North Carolina National Guard, State military forces, or a reserve component of the Armed Forces who was injured or killed while serving on active duty. Eligibility determinations for prekindergarten participants may continue through local education agencies and local North Carolina Partnership for Children, Inc., partnerships.

Other than developmental disabilities or other chronic health issues, the Division shall not consider the health of a child as a factor in determining eligibility for participation in the NC Pre‑K program.

SECTION 12.1.(c)  Multiyear Contracts. – The Division of Child Development and Early Education shall require the NC Pre‑K contractor to issue multiyear contracts for licensed private child care centers providing NC Pre‑K classrooms.

SECTION 12.1.(d)  Building Standards. – Notwithstanding G.S. 110‑91(4), private child care facilities and public schools operating prekindergarten classrooms shall meet the building standards for preschool students as provided in G.S. 115C‑521.1.

SECTION 12.1.(e)  Programmatic Standards. – Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, entities operating prekindergarten classrooms shall adhere to all of the policies prescribed by the Division of Child Development and Early Education regarding programmatic standards and classroom requirements.

SECTION 12.1.(f)  NC Pre‑K Committees. – Local NC Pre‑K committees shall use the standard decision‑making process developed by the Division of Child Development and Early Education in awarding prekindergarten classroom slots and student selection.

SECTION 12.1.(g)  Reporting. – The Division of Child Development and Early Education shall submit an annual report no later than March 15 of each year to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services, the Office of State Budget and Management, and the Fiscal Research Division. The report shall include the following:

(1)        The number of children participating in the NC Pre‑K program by county.

(2)        The number of children participating in the NC Pre‑K program who have never been served in other early education programs such as child care, public or private preschool, Head Start, Early Head Start, or early intervention programs.

(3)        The expected NC Pre‑K expenditures for the programs and the source of the local contributions.

(4)        The results of an annual evaluation of the NC Pre‑K program.

SECTION 12.1.(h)  Audits. – The administration of the NC Pre‑K program by local partnerships shall be subject to the financial and compliance audits authorized under G.S. 143B‑168.14(b).

SECTION 12.2.(a)  Appropriation/Extend to 12 Months for Four‑Year‑Olds. – There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Development and Early Education, the sum of twenty‑eight million three hundred thousand dollars ($28,300,000) for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year and the sum of twenty‑eight million three hundred thousand dollars ($28,300,000) for the 2018‑2019 fiscal year for the purpose of expanding the NC Pre‑K program to eligible children who are four years of age to provide coverage for those children, without additional slots, for 12 months of the program year.

SECTION 12.2.(b)  Appropriation/Expansion for Three‑Year‑Olds. – There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Development and Early Education, the sum of three hundred ninety‑one million five hundred thousand dollars ($391,500,000) for the 2019‑2020 fiscal year for the purpose of expanding the NC Pre‑K program to eligible children who are three years of age to provide coverage for those children for 12 months of the program year.

SECTION 12.3.  Effective Date. – Part XII of this act becomes effective July 1, 2017.



SECTION 13.(a)  Article 20 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new section to read:

"§ 115C‑300.5.  Teacher Support Program.

(a)        The State Board of Education shall establish the Teacher Support Program (Program) to help teachers cope with stress, exhaustion, and disillusionment related to the profession by providing counseling services. The State Board may contract with a private, for‑profit, or nonprofit employee assistance program corporation for purposes of administering the Program.

(b)        The State Board shall adopt rules for the implementation of the Program, including rules regarding the following:

(1)        The development of a referral system for the Program.

(2)        Professional and licensure requirements for staff.

(3)        The development a toll‑free, 24‑hour hotline for use by teachers.

(c)        Any records related to teacher participation in the Program shall be deemed confidential. No employing entity shall consider teacher participation in the Program for purposes of evaluating a teacher's performance or making any employment decision under Article 22 of this Chapter."

SECTION 13.(b)  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction the sum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) in recurring funds for the 2017‑2018 fiscal year to establish and operate the Teacher Support Program.


Part xIV. evaluation of the PTA – professional teacher act

SECTION 14.  In accordance with Chapter 143E of the General Statutes, the Program Evaluation Division of the General Assembly shall conduct a measurability assessment of the State programs created by this act and the investment of State funds in raising teacher and principal salaries to determine whether these actions and programs are impacting student performance and outcomes, improving the retention and availability of employing high quality teachers in the North Carolina public schools, and providing a return on investment of State funds. The Program Evaluation Division shall begin the measurability assessment beginning in 2027 and compare data from the 2017‑2018 fiscal year to data collected up until the 2031‑2032 fiscal year. The Program Evaluation Division shall report to the 2033 General Assembly on the results of the measurability assessment.



SECTION 15.1.(a)  G.S. 105‑164.4(a) reads as rewritten:

"(a)      A privilege tax is imposed on a retailer engaged in business in the State at the percentage rates of the retailer's net taxable sales or gross receipts, listed in this subsection. The general rate of tax is four and three‑quarters percent (4.75%).five and one‑quarter percent (5.25%). The percentage rates are as follows:


SECTION 15.1.(b)  G.S. 105‑164.4(a), as amended by subsection (a) of this section, reads as rewritten:

"(a)      A privilege tax is imposed on a retailer engaged in business in the State at the percentage rates of the retailer's net taxable sales or gross receipts, listed in this subsection. The general rate of tax is five and one-quarterone‑half percent (5.25%).(5.5%). The percentage rates are as follows:


SECTION 15.1.(c)  G.S. 105‑164.4(a), as amended by subsection (b) of this section, reads as rewritten:

"(a)      A privilege tax is imposed on a retailer engaged in business in the State at the percentage rates of the retailer's net taxable sales or gross receipts, listed in this subsection. The general rate of tax is five and one-halfthree‑quarters percent (5.5%).(5.75%). The percentage rates are as follows:


SECTION 15.1.(d)  Subsection (a) of this section becomes effective July 1, 2017, and applies to sales made on or after that date. Subsection (b) of this section becomes effective July 1, 2018, and applies to sales made on or after that date. Subsection (c) of this section becomes effective July 1, 2019, and applies to sales made on or after that date. The remainder of this section is effective when it becomes law.

SECTION 15.2.(a)  G.S. 105‑130.3C is repealed.

SECTION 15.2.(b)  G.S. 105‑130.3 reads as rewritten:

"§ 105‑130.3.  Corporations.

A tax is imposed on the State net income of every C Corporation doing business in this State at the rate of four percent (4%).five percent (5%). An S Corporation is not subject to the tax levied in this section."

SECTION 15.2.(c)  G.S. 105‑130.3, as amended by subsection (b) of this section, reads as rewritten:

"§ 105‑130.3.  Corporations.

A tax is imposed on the State net income of every C Corporation doing business in this State at the rate of five percent (5%).six percent (6%). An S Corporation is not subject to the tax levied in this section."

SECTION 15.2.(d)  Subsection (a) of this section is effective for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2018. Subsection (b) of this section is effective for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2019. Subsection (c) of this section is effective for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2020. The remainder of this section is effective when it becomes law.

SECTION 15.3.(a)  G.S. 105‑153.7(a) reads as rewritten:

"(a)      Tax. – A tax is imposed for each taxable year on the North Carolina taxable income of every individual. The tax shall be levied, collected, and paid annually. The tax is five and four hundred ninety‑nine thousandths percent (5.499%)five and three‑quarters percent (5.75%) of the taxpayer's North Carolina taxable income."

SECTION 15.3.(b)  G.S. 105‑153.7(a), as amended by subsection (a) of this section, reads as rewritten:

"(a)      Tax. – A tax is imposed for each taxable year on the North Carolina taxable income of every individual. The tax shall be levied, collected, and paid annually. The tax is five and three-quarters percent (5.75%)six percent (6%) of the taxpayer's North Carolina taxable income."

SECTION 15.3.(c)  G.S. 105‑153.7(a), as amended by subsection (b) of this section, reads as rewritten:

"(a)      Tax. – A tax is imposed for each taxable year on the North Carolina taxable income of every individual. The tax shall be levied, collected, and paid annually. The tax is six percent (6%)six and one‑half percent (6.5%) of the taxpayer's North Carolina taxable income."

SECTION 15.3.(d)  Subsection (a) of this section is effective for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2018. Subsection (b) of this section is effective for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2019. Subsection (c) of this section is effective for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2020. The remainder of this section is effective when it becomes law.



SECTION 16.  Except as otherwise provided, this act is effective when it becomes law and applies beginning with the 2017‑2018 school year.